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Save Your Receipts for Insurance Claims

Posted in On February 11, 2022

Save your receipts!

Colorado’s Division of Insurance Commissioner wants victims of the Marshall Fire to save all receipts of everything that they buy.  Nothing is too mundane.

“They don’t think about the fact that they’re replacing everything that they had in their home,” said Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway on Wednesday. “Things like toothbrushes, things like toothpastes, their kids’ shoes.  In a normal world, in a normal situation, you wouldn’t keep receipts for those types of things.”

What any one person will be reimbursed will depend on their individual policy but paying for expenses you are not normally used to paying are the types of things that could be covered.  “There’s some folks right now living in hotels. They don’t have a kitchen. And because they’re living in hotels, their coverage very well may pay them additional living expenses for the fact that they have to eat out of restaurants all the time. So, they would be able to get reimbursed for the fact that their food is costing them more. But they’re going to need to keep those receipts to make sure that happens,” said Conway.

Anyone can get help with understanding their insurance at the Disaster Assistance Center at 1755 South Public Road in Lafayette.

If you are having trouble with any type of insurance claim reach out to the knowledgeable attorneys at Daniels & Scriven, P.C., (720) 863-6006 or