Attorneys Smart Enough to Win and Small Enough to Care


Posted in On May 20, 2022

National Seat Belt Enforcement

NHTSA National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization 2022 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is currently gearing up for their National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization. This year, the mobilization is running from May 23rd through June 5th. Since wearing your seatbelt is the single most effective way…

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Posted in On February 11, 2022

Save Your Receipts for Insurance Claims

Save your receipts! Colorado’s Division of Insurance Commissioner wants victims of the Marshall Fire to save all receipts of everything that they buy.  Nothing is too mundane. “They don’t think about the fact that they’re replacing everything that they had in their home,” said Insurance…

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Posted in On January 29, 2022

Personal Injury Claims & Adverse Weather Conditions

On November 29, 2022, the Denver Metropolitan Area saw its second significant snowstorm of the season and with it came slippery roads and walkways. There is a common misconception that if you are injured as a result of bad weather conditions, then it is an “Act of…

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Posted in On January 7, 2022

Avoiding Social Media After an Accident

In the age of social media, nothing is private.  Social media content has the power and potential to misconstrue or even ruin your personal injury case.  Social media accounts provide insurance companies and defense attorneys with a valuable source of evidence to impeach your credibility,…

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