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Top 5 Ways Your Worker’s Compensation Claim May Be Denied

Posted in On August 11, 2021

Top 5 Ways Your Workers’ Compensation Claim May be Denied

People who become injured on the job may be eligible to collect workers’ compensation benefits. However, there are several different reasons why your workers’ compensation benefits may be denied.

The top 5 ways your workers’ comp may be denied include:

1. Failure To Report the Incident by the Required Time Deadline
All employers are required to ensure their workers’ safety on the job. If an accident occurs on the job, the injured worker is required to report the injury to their employer. In Colorado there are time deadlines. Employers should quickly perform an internal accident investigation to determine if, when, and why the accident occurred in the first place.

2. Concerns That Your Injury Didn’t Happen While At Work
If there is any question of whether the injury really happened while the victim was at work or not, the company may not be liable to pay any type of claim benefits.

3. Victim Found to Be Intoxicated During Time of Incident
If the victim was found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during the time of the incident, it could jeopardize the entire case.

4. The Injury Was Due to a Pre-existing Health Condition
An employer may win a workers’ comp case if the injury happened due to a pre-existing medical condition. This is a tricky situation, and a knowledgeable attorney can help get the needed evidence on behalf of the injured employee.

5. Victim Failed to Seek Immediate Medical Treatment at an Approved Medical Provider. Most employers require employees to see an approved medical provider if hurt while working. The claim could be denied if the victim procrastinated or failed to seek care.

Call the experienced attorneys at Daniels & Scriven, P.C. to help guide you through your Workers’ Compensation Claim, (720) 863-6006.